Credit: Steve J Sherman

American conductor, Andrew Litton has returned to Australia this week to lead the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra in three performances in Adelaide Town Hall. Following on from Andew’s last visit to Adelaide in May 2023, in which he led a series of Rachmaninov’s four piano concerti with soloist Stephen Hough, the three performances this June will form a Rachmaninov symphony series. The sold-out concerts on the 22nd, 26th and 29th of June will give audiences the rare opportunity to hear all three symphonies in succession across a week. The programmes will also include, Finzi’s Eclogue and Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, both featuring Litton on the piano (22nd June), Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No.3 with soloist Konstantin Shamray (26th June), and Barber’s Violin Concerto with soloist Emily Sun (29th June).

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